Module 2: Introduction
MODULE 2 Introduction
Hello there!
How was module 1? I hope your heart is beginning to expand and feel more open during this tender time. Welcome to module 2. This week, we are going to talk about our pet's wisdom. Our pets live in the moment and don't have an agenda of how they should be in the world, when to eat, sleep, play, and love.
For some reason, society has some unrealistic expectations of how pet parents should be in their grief. "Grieve alone, you need to move forward, it was just a pet, or why not get another pet" maybe some things you've been hearing. We might even find that we have to hide who we are when we are hurting to spare others from our pain.
In module two, we will revisit myths around pet loss and ways to cope when your heart is hurting. Friends and family mean well but sometimes, their support may not be what we actually need, so we are going to do away with platitudes and actually cover ways to ask for support.
Below are some key takeaways from module two, along with a preview of intentions we will be set each day. Remember that we designed for you to take as little or as much time as you need. If it feels like it's too much, you can always come back to it at a later time when it feels right for you. Just as the love you have for your beloved animal companion is unique, so is your grief.
· How to be present with what is
· Learning to receive as much as you give
· Steps to being kind to yourself as you have been for others
· How to cultivate patience with yourself while grieving
· Small steps you can take right now to take better care of yourself
· Why sleep is so important when we are grieving
Keep an eye out for Lesson 1, Module 2 in your inbox!
To your healing,
Claire and The Modern Pet Loss Team